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Thursday 4 September 2014

Back to Preschool

Last week it was back to school for Ava. This week it's Lola's turn.

Lola is back at her preschool for another year - maybe two seeing as she won't turn five until just after the school cut off next year. But that's a whole different story...

Now that she is a big girl (or a bigger girl, as she was already big!) Lola can ride her balance bike the whole way to preshcool. That's a one and a half mile trek. She's pretty proud of the fact that she can ride so far. The only time she gets off to walk is the very last street as we head downhill to preschool. That section of street is so incredibly steep and her balance bike has no brakes so we play it safe and walk slowly - and I hold onto Mathilde's stroller extra securely!

This year Lola is in the big kid class. The classes at her preschool are named after characters from the Winnie the Pooh books. Last year she was a Pooh Bear (a name found hilariously funny among toddlers!) and this year she is a Kanga.

Oh, hello duck face!

The transition back to preschool went amazingly easy after almost three months off over Summer. I had feared that Lola would be upset  but she headed straight into her class without any hesitation. In fact, I had to chase after her to get a goodbye kiss.

After preschool we headed to a nearby park to play with friends and celebrate a successful start to the preschool year.

Riding home from preschool it was clear that Autumn/Fall is already here. Look at all those leaves on the sidewalk already.

Happy back to school everyone!

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