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Wednesday 31 August 2016

Back to School 2016

Yesterday was the first day back at school here in Berkeley and you know what that means...

Lots of photos of cute kids with backpacks! Ha!

I know, I know... Facebook and Instagram are filled with back to school photos right now, but I just have to share ours too.

Ava is in 4th grade this year and Lola is in Kindergarten. While Kindergarten is usually the start of school, Lola just missed the cut off last year and went into Transitional Kindergarten instead. So this is her second year at school.

Now that she's a big kid, Ava wasn't too keen on having photos at school so I just had to stick to taking photos of Lola - like our regular "Let's pretend you caught the big, yellow American school bus" shot!

Lola started to get a little teary when I took her into the Kindergarten yard for drop off. Even though she's familiar with their school she was still a little nervous. Transitional Kindergarten was much more like pre-school so she's been a bit worried about the changes. A few hugs later and she was ok, but still a little sad looking. She happily followed her teacher and classmates into the classroom though and when I walked past the school a few hours later and spotted her on the yard she seemed fine.

By the end of the day Lola was much happier. She loved her first day of school and was happy to tell me all about everything they did. The Kindergarteners go on a treasure hunt based on the Gingerbread Man story around the school to introduce them to staff and show them all the important places. Lola's class made cardboard gingerbread men to take with them and Lola was very proud to show off hers.

An hour later we were back to pick up Ava. It sucks that they have different pick up times. That hour in between isn't really long enough to do much. I'm hoping to get Lola into a few after school enrichment classes during that gap in between to make things easier.

As in the morning, Ava wasn't keen for photos at school, but just like Lola she had a great first day.

As a treat we headed to one of our favorite gelato stores for something sweet. Pineapple gelato for Ava and Lola, and chocolate gelato for Mathilde.

Back at home I had one more treat for the girls... a bunch of flowers each. With Ava's new hair color I was even able to buy flowers that matched!

With Ava and Lola back at school it's just Mathilde and I at home during the day. Needless to say, it's much quieter now, although Mathilde is constantly by my side (or on my lap, as she is right now) as she's a little lost without her sisters here to play. I'm sure she'll be back in the swing of things again soon too.

Are your kids back at school now too? I know that a lot of schools went back a few weeks ago, while others are still on vacation. 

Here's to a great start to the new school year!

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