Did you celebrate Easter this past weekend? Was it very different from your usual Easter celebrations?
Our Easter certainly was very different for us, and not because of the Coronavirus. As I shared in my previous post, we always celebrate Easter at home by ourselves, so there was no difference in that respect. What was different, however, was that we had a white Easter! Yep - it snowed here in Colorado! It was quite a lot of snow too and it continued all through Sunday and most of Monday.
The snow didn't stop us from celebrating though. In fact, an Easter egg hunt in the snow was much more entertaining than our usual Easter egg hunts. The kids loved it and I have to say that I did too.
Here's a look at our Easter Sunday...
We started the day off by checking if the Easter Bunny had visited. Sure enough, there were sparkly footprints in the family room leading from the back door to the dining table where the girls found their Easter bags filled with chocolate treats. They also found presents from us (
Bunny Snackies filled with chocolate eggs plus a carton of egg shaped
bath bombs) as well as chocolates from grandparents in Australia.
After a breakfast of home made hot cross buns, we moved on to dying eggs. With all the shortages in supermarkets lately I felt bad buying real eggs to dye (we never end up eating them so it feels like a waste), so instead I bought
dyeable plastic eggs. The kids had fun coloring the bunny and chicken shaped eggs. I love that we can reuse these eggs in future years.

Next up was the egg hunt in our backyard. Now, this is when things really started to feel different! In the lead up to Easter I'd been thinking about how great our new backyard would be for an egg hunt, but then mother nature threw a curve ball at us with an April snow storm! I wasn't so sure if our outdoor egg hunt would still go ahead, but you know what? It ended up being the highlight of the day! The kids put on their winter jackets, snow boots and mittens and headed out into the yard to find where I'd hidden all of the eggs. They were actually quite fun to hide in the snow too. It was deep enough that for most of the eggs I just stood back and threw them into the snow. Ha! As always, once all of the eggs were found, the girls took it in turns hiding the eggs themselves for the rest of us to find. This meant that our egg hunt lasted for hours - especially seeing as Mathilde buried the eggs in the snow making them tricky to find! Three days later and we're still finding eggs as the snow melts!

Our puppy Yetta had fun helping the girls find the eggs too. She loves running around in the snow. She's not a fan of rain, but she can't get enough of the snow. The girls were a little worried that Yetta would dig up the eggs and run away with them, but she seemed much more interested in just following along, chewing on sticks, and eating the snow.
The snow didn't keep the kids from playing outside after our egg hunts either. Our new trampoline was covered in snow and the girls were keen to find out just what jumping on it in the snow would be like. Spoiler alert - it's loads of fun! It was a little slippery, so we had to be careful, especially climbing up and down the ladder, but it was such a fun experience. As we jumped (yep, I joined in too!) the snow on the trampoline formed snowballs. This meant that there were plenty of snowball fights on the trampoline as well as jumping.
All that playing in the snow meant wet leggings and gloves, and jumping on the snow covered trampoline resulted in snow filled boots. So the girls dried off and we moved on to smashing cascarones confetti eggs inside. Cascarones are always a hit with the kids, but I didn't manage to snap any good pics of the action so these two will have to do.
And that was our Easter!
A very different Easter to what we're used to thanks to the snow, but I'm now kind of hoping for more snowy Easters in the future. And maybe a white Christmas one day too!
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