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Friday 3 April 2015

52 Weeks: Week 13

Week 13: Lemonade Stand

Do you remember the lemonade stand that the girls had with friends a few months back? Ok, it was actually in August so it may be a stretch of the memory. You can see it here. Anyway, since then Ava and Lola have been super keen to have another lemonade stand. Their friend Solly has been keen too. So last week we got together after school to hold a lemonade stand at a local playground.

We reused the signs that Ava made last time but it looks like there's been a little inflation since then! Last time the kids were keen to sell the lemonade for a quarter as that's what they've seen in books and on tv. Everyone commented on how super cheap it was so we upped it this time to fifty cents - which for the Bay Area is still a total bargain!

Our stand wasn't quite as fancy as last time but the kids had fun and that's the main thing. They didn't even care about how much money they made. We did make the lemonade look a little fancy by adding a slice of lemon to the side of the cup and a sprig of mint for those who wanted it though!

The kids took it in turn walking around the playground with their signs trying to drum up business. After a while Lola and Solly got sick of this though and slid their signs down the slides over and over. At one point Lola was even sitting on one on the slide in attempt to make herself slide faster. Needless to say, the signs are looking a little worse for wear now.

Mathilde was pretty content just playing with the lemons that we had displayed on the table. You know, the ones that we'd put there to make it look like we'd actually made the lemonade ourselves and not just bought it from Trader Joe's. Shh... After a while she discovered the jar of lemon slices and had a go at eating one. I got ready with my camera expecting a hilarious facial expression when she discovered the sourness but she actually seemed to like it.

The kids had so much fun with their lemonade stand. I get the feeling we'll be selling lemonade (and cookies) a lot more this Summer.

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