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Wednesday 14 January 2015

52 Weeks: Week 2

Week 2: Bath time

Bath time can be a pretty crazy time in our home with all three girls in the tub together. So much for a nice relaxing soak before bed!

Mathilde is the trouble maker of the trio. She splashes, climbs over her sisters, walks around the tub, pulls hair... She just doesn't stay still. I think the photo below says it all! I always have to take Mathilde out early so Ava and Lola can bathe without being terrorized by their little sister. 

Out of the tub the girls get dry and snuggly warm in their Puj Hugand Puj Big Hugtowels.

Once the craziness of bath time is over the chaos of bedtime begins. But that's a whole other story for another day!


  1. Love the photos. Anton is the same will not sit down! P.s. I am waiting for you to announce first steps.

    1. Mathilde drives me crazy in the bath, especially when I'm showering as she keeps turning the water off!
      I'm sure we'll both have littler walkers in not too long. Now that's going to be scary!


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