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Friday 2 January 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Happy new year!

It's been a little quiet here on Little Hiccups. Our family has been away on vacation and while I planned to blog about our adventures as they panned out it, it just never happened. A clingy baby who refused to sleep on her own, late nights for the big kids, and patchy hotel wifi don't make for the best blogging environment. Plus sometimes it's just nice to have a little break from the computer.

But I'm back now and I have lots of posts lined up.  I usually try not to post more than once a day but over the next week there may be a few extra posts (Mathilde's monthly update follows directly after this one, for example). Coming up I'll have posts about our adventures in Southern California, our Christmases (we celebrated twice: on Christmas Day in Santa Barbara and back home on New Year's Day), one more Elf on the Shelf update, a slightly delayed Christmas craft (inspiration for next year perhaps!)... Plus I have loads of other posts that I've been meaning to share. Can you believe that I still haven't written detailed posts about our trip to Seattle and Portland over the Summer?!

So I guess being a new year and all, my resolution for 2015 is to keep up with Little Hiccups a little better and not get quite so behind with my posts. I hope to have posts up at regular intervals and I'm working on getting a schedule in place. Remember how I introduced Flashback Fridays a while back and then I got caught up with other things (mostly Mathilde!) and fell behind? Well, the plan is to bring it back along with a few other regulars. Maybe a dedicated day per week for crafts. another for local adventures, maybe even recipes. I'd love to hear any suggestions. What would you like to see more of on Little Hiccups?

Before I get back into it all I thought I'd share some shots of the New Year's Eve fireworks in San Francisco. We got home from out trip about 10pm on New Year's Eve which gave me just enough time to get the kids into bed, unpack, load a tonne of clothes into the washing machine, and head up onto our roof to watch the fireworks show. A bright and sparkly start to 2015.

Enjoy the fireworks and stay tuned for Mathilde's eight month update.



  1. I love your pictures! You are so lucky to have this amazing view from your rooftop!!

    1. Thanks Virginie :) At some point we're going to have to move (5 people in a 2 bedroom apartment is getting super squishy!) and giving up this view is definitely going to be hard.


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